What if it Work? What if The Power Was Destroyed?

What if it Work?

What if The Power Was Destroyed?

What if it Works?

Power. Something we don't realize we depend on in the modern world. From cars to computers. Even the food we eat, like the water, and even food. It would all be lost if we didn't have any power.

It's funny we don't realize it. If somebody came and tried to shut off the power somehow. Then the cars would not work. Computers would shut off. We wouldn't be able to get water, and everything would go spoiled because the refrigerator would stop running.

That's just what it means for us. What would it mean to businesses, big and small? Well, they would just utterly shut down. You see, all these companies, and businesses, all get their feed and money through computers. If the power shuts off, then the computers will too.

Not just that, what else would go off with if there was no power? That's right. Even the lights on the road would go off, so let's say it was the night ... Yup, it would be pretty bad. We wouldn't be able to go outside because there was no way we could see.

So how would everything turn out? No vehicles, computers, power, food, or even water. And if it was night. Not even any light outside. Yup pretty miserable. We might even die with the lack of food.

So let's be happy we even have running power in the first place! 

What if it Work?
(Because What if it Works? Was Taken)