What if it Work? #54 What if We All Thought The Same?

What if it Work?


What if We All Thought The Same?

What if it Works?


Everybody knows the disasters of what would happen if we all acted like copies of everybody else.

Let's say we all acted smart, well too much of a good thing turns out to be bad. We might make the world a better place, but how could we really be smart of we know as much as everybody else? 

It's impossible to be smart if everybody thinks and knows as much as you do. That being true, what would our definition of reality or peace really be? 

We also can't be dumb, because we would know just as much as everybody else.

There wouldn't even be anything to actually change because we would all be doing the same thing. If somebody picks up garbage, we all pick up garbage, if somebody gets's mad, we all get mad. If somebody was happy, we would all be happy. You see? 

Acting the same as everybody else is not only that, but it also takes away free choice, personalities, and original ideas. 

Meaning we wouldn't have What if it Work? Ok fine, the internet would exist in the first place. Same with technology, designs, mechanics, and ... everything. 

So what on earth would happen? 

What we would think it would be like?

Imagine a group of people lined up doing ... nothing. That's what it would be. Everybody doing nothing. Unless of course, somebody does something. 

But if everybody's doing nothing, and everybody is copying everybody, then why would somebody do something that everybody else is not doing?

That's a little confusing, but you'll get it.

The only way everybody would do something is if everybody was doing something in the first place since the beginning of time. 

So what would that something be? Stomping your foot? Talking? Waving? It could be anything. So let's do something simple. Imagine everybody walking.

Not so simple! That would cause chaos! Everybody would be walking through buildings, and destroying everything.


If everybody was copying everybody, there wouldn't be any buildings, because nobody would do anything other than doing what everybody else is doing.

So the earth would probably be just one big empty planet. And what would happen once everybody started walking in the water?

Drowning? Would anybody do then, would anybody come to their senses then?

Would there by any sense at all?

What do you think?

What if it Work?

(Because What if it Works? Was Taken)
